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2003-11-20 - 8:17 p.m.

there may not be thongs tomorrow...

sorry its been so many days since I've written. not too much is going on. although I feel a bit blah tonight. can you cheer me up?

today was a wonderful day. lovie was planning to come home for lunch. i created the perfect setting. the girls were napping, the house was spic and span, romantic music was playing from the TV, and every bit of lunch was neatly displayed on the table.

lovie came home and we ate lunch, just smiling and staring and acting shy and goofy like teenagers. it was so nice! of course, just before he left, life went back to normal (lol) and sami woke up from her nap crying because she had an accident, and julie woke up and her room wreaked of poop, so lovie changed her while i changed sami. ahh the joys of parenthood! lol!

then this evening, lovie asked his dad if he'd mind coming over tomorrow night to watch our girls so i can go to the play lovie is in. he said as of now, sure, he'd love too, but another manager at the store is about to give birth anyday and if tomorrow is the day, then he can't and will have to go in. i understand and all, i just feel let down. i have fantasized for 6 years about watching my gorgeous, and talented husband on stage, doing something he so passionately loves. i was planing my sexy,yet sophisticated outfit for tomorrow, down to the sexy bra and thong. now, i may be taking the girls with me, and that just screams one thing: "cotton granny panties". no way i will be in the mood to wear the "i'm in the mood" tiny black thongs if i am not going alone. don't get me wrong, i LOVE taking the girls out, but this time, at 7:30pm at a nice place for 2 hours, the last thing i want to worry about is my 1 yr old and 2.5 year old getting restless at the play.

i promise to update on what happens.

ok, so on a positive note however (la!) the weekend is almost here and monday will be here before we know it(i just realized cause of the holiday that lovie is working sunday). i can't believe thanksgiving is next week. that went fast.

this week is officialy a year since we made that long, exhausting drive/move from ny to good ol' nm.

a year already. wow.

****late evening update****

feeling MUCH better. MUCH MUCH MUCH. thanks to lovie for that. (and loopyboi's artwork;) lol)

gosh-tonight was the true definition of "crime scene sex" rofl. any ny'ers that used to listen to opie and anthony know *exactly* what i am talking about ;)

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